
D13 Durian


2 customer reviews

From: $40.80

D13 Durian

The sweet flavour of the D13 is perfect for first-time lovers of durians.

Coming with an intensely sweet flavour, the D13 is a favourite of both first-time durian eaters and durian connoisseurs.

Portion Recommendations

Prices are per 400g/600g/800g/1000g pack, de-husked. 800g of durians come from roughly 3.4kg of durian with husk.

600g pack is enough for 1 person, 800g for 2.

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Durian – The Sweet Surprise

Indulge in the delightful taste of D13 Durian from Durian Express Delivery. The D13 variety is renowned for its sweet flavor and subtle bitterness, offering a unique experience for both new and seasoned durian lovers.

The Distinctive Charm of D13 Durian

Each D13 Durian is a symbol of quality and taste. Its less intense aroma and smaller seeds make it popular for those who prefer a milder durian experience.

Health Aspects of D13 Durian

D13 is not just a treat for the palate; it’s also packed with health benefits. Rich in nutrients, it contributes to a balanced diet. Gain insights into the health benefits of durians from this informative Healthline article.

Ideal Choice for Various Culinary Experiments

D13’s unique taste profile makes it perfect for various recipes, from traditional desserts to modern culinary creations.

Streamlined Online Ordering

You can order your D13 Durian with our online delivery service. We guarantee the delivery of only the freshest durians directly to your doorstep.

Customer Endorsements

Our D13 Durians have earned praise for their exceptional quality. You can explore our testimonials to see what our customers have to say.

Learn More About Durians

Check out our blog for more information on D13 and other durian varieties.

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Additional information

Weight N/A

400G, 600G, 800G, 1000G

2 reviews for D13 Durian

  1. Avatar of ken


    ready to try

  2. Avatar of noraini bte muhammad sardah

    Noraini bte muhammad sardah

    My first time order, hope its satisfy me…

    • Avatar of admin


      Hello Noraini bte Muhammad Sardah! Thank you so much for your feedback on our D13 Durian. We’re glad to hear that you are trying our service for the first time. Our team at Durian Express Delivery strives to provide the best experience to all our customers, and your satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any more feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to assist you!

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